
向总统报告, 商业和行政服务副总裁是澳门皇家赌城在线的首席财务官.  商业和行政服务副总裁是校长执行团队的一员,全面负责包括Barnes and Noble书店在内的大学运营, 校园财务处, 校园工资, 市民中心, 设施,维护 & 运营、信息技术和学生商务办公室.  职责包括监督开发, 组织, 修改学院的预算, 设施, information resources and auxiliary enterprises; evaluating college operations according to district and state policies, regulations and codes; participating in developing and implementing district business procedures and policies; and, demonstrating a strong commitment to the philosophy and mission of a California comprehensive community college.