


(805) 289-6430










警察科学项目, 也被称为“基本法执法学院”, is the training preparation for anyone seeking a career as a California sworn police officer.  It is administered by the 澳门皇家赌城在线 County Sheriff’s Department in collaboration with the 澳门皇家赌城在线 County Community College 区 (澳门皇家赌城在线大学).  

It is the mission of the RBC "to prepare entry-level law enforcement trainees mentally, 在道德上, 精神上和身体上都是为了参加野外训练项目, 承担责任, 履行社会治安官的职责."

该项目包括为期两周的培训和准备课程, followed by a 24-week 警察科学 course referred to as the Basic Law Enforcement Academy.  学院, 它的正式名称是常规基础课程或RBC, is certified by the California Commission on Peace Officer St和ards 和 Training (POST). 

学院 is presented in an intensive format; 5 days per week, 8 hours per day, for 24 weeks.  Successful completion of the program is required by POST for all new law enforcement officers in the state of California.

学院 Program is open to law enforcement agency new hires 和 the general public who meet the program requirements outlined in the program information below.



What Are the Requirements to Apply for the Basic Law Enforcement Academy?

学生 interested in completing the Basic Law Enforcement Academy program must follow these steps.

  1. Apply for admission to 澳门皇家赌城在线大学 or already be an admitted student.
  2. 提交 警察学院申请 packet 和 return the completed packet to the Criminal Justice department.
  3. 满足列表中列出的所有资格要求 VC警察学院申请说明  和  VC警察学院 入学要求和信息文件 链接如下. Application requirements 和 state screening requirements are explained in these documents. 

4. 一旦通过所有入学要求, the student must enroll in 和 successfully complete the pre-academy orientation course - either POSC V01A or POSC N101A.  

 5. 成功完成学院预科课程后, the student may enroll in the Basic Law Enforcement Academy – either POSC V01 or POSC N101.


申请通常每年接受两次. 入场券以可用的空缺为准. All information, application dates, 和 applicable forms can be found at this link:  基本执法学院资料 

Contact the Post Basic Academy Liaison at (805) 289-6316 with any questions regarding these procedures.




学院 Program courses can be taken either for college credit or as noncredit courses.  这两种选择都符合机构对新员工的要求.  所有学生都有以下选择:


  • POSC N101A学院预科和POSC N101学院-非学分. 这些课程不能获得大学学分.  There are no tuition costs or additional college fees for this option.

Before deciding about which path to take, please consider the points below.  It is highly recommended that you consult with a VC academic counselor to review the options that are best for your situation.  联系咨询师的信息如下.

The advantage of the credit courses is that you will earn a 成绩证书 if you successfully complete both credit classes. If you also complete general education courses or have completed those when you earned a different degree (GE requirements don’t have to be repeated), 你将获得理学副学士学位. This may be important not only for your future goals but could possibly lead to a pay differential with an agency, 取决于他们的工资政策.

The advantage of noncredit courses is that there aren’t any tuition costs. These courses are also repeatable, should you not complete the classes for whatever reason. 这个选择的缺点是你不能改变主意. Once you take the class as noncredit, you cannot “convert” it to credit.  所以,这个决定从一澳门英皇赌城在线就非常重要.

我们怎么强调都不为过:   Consult with a VC academic counselor who can help you sort out the best option for your particular situation.  下面的链接将解释联系咨询师的所有选择.





Successful completion of the RBC is required by California Law Enforcement Agencies before the graduate can be sworn in as a California Peace Officer.

Career opportunities available to graduates of the Basic Law Enforcement Academy include, 但不限于:

  • 警察
  • 副行政长官
  • 公路巡警
  • 犯罪现场组或加州大学警官
  • 惩教官
  • 渔猎管理员
  • 酒精和饮料管制干事




P.O.S.T.  Regular Basic Course curriculum is divided into 41 individual topics, called Learning Domains that contain the minimum required foundational information for specific subjects.  You may find more information about the Learning Domains at this link:  http://post.ca.gov/regular-basic-course-training-specifications



Upon successful completion of the Basic Law Enforcement Academy program, students will receive either a 成绩证书 or Certificate of Completion. Certificates of Achievement are awarded to those who took the credit version of the program.  Certificates of Completion are awarded to those who took the noncredit version of the program.  Once the RBC (Regular Basic Course) graduate has satisfactorily completed the employing agency’s probationary period, 获得POST基本证书, as defined in Section 1011 of Title 11 of the California Code of Regulations, to currently full-time peace officers of a POST-participating agency who have satisfactorily completed the prerequisite Regular Basic Course requirements.