

学生 interested in participating in the First-Year Experience (FYE) program are recommended to take any one of the following courses during their first semester at 澳门皇家赌城在线大学:


考恩01 -大学成功

This course helps students evaluate the social, psychological and physiological factors that influence developing essential life management 技能. The course encourages self-exploration of personal responsibility, 自我激励, 健康和幸福, 自我意识, 相互依存, 自我管理, 终身学习, as well as learning different resources on campus. 学生 will explore the history and philosophy of higher education in the U.S education systems and will learn to create a student education plan. Includes an introduction to financial, time and stress management, and communication 技能.

COUN V02 - Career Exploration & 人生规划的*

This course is designed to help students demonstrate an understanding and appreciation for the impact and significance of career choices on their 1)social, 2)心理, and 3)physiological experiences through the life span. This course is also structured to help students identify their interests, 技能, values and personality traits, conduct career research and exploration, and learn current job seeking 技能. 学生 will analyze the relationship between themselves, their life choices and the ongoing process of career planning and self-development throughout the life span.

COUN V03 - College Orientation

This course is designed to provide new students a comprehensive orientation to facilities, 项目, 服务, college policies and faculty at 澳门皇家赌城在线大学. 学生 will experience a tour of the campus facilities, receive financial aid information, learn about graduation and transfer requirements, acquaint themselves with the college assessment process, counseling and transfer 服务.

COUN V05 - Exploring Careers and College Majors (1 unit)

This course is designed to inform and assist students in making appropriate and satisfying career choices. Using self-evaluation instruments, 学生确定兴趣, 能力, values and goals; 技能 necessary for future career investigation and decision-making. 在这个课堂上, we help you interpret career assessment results and discuss possibilities for what you want your life to look like in the future.


EAC V01 - Strategies for Success in College & 生活

This course introduces students to strategies for success in education, career, and life goals. 学生 will develop their own success plans through self-evaluation, and by learning and applying specific techniques and resources for life-long learning. Topics include self-advocacy, 学习资料, 学习/生活技能, 关系/沟通, 多元文化主义/多样性, and college and career options. Emphasis will be placed on developing independent critical thinking 技能 while providing opportunity for construction and implementation of plans for success. Instruction is designed to meet the educational needs of students with or without dis能力.

ENGR V01 - Introduction to Engineering

The course explores the branches of engineering, the functions of an engineer, and the industries in which engineers work. Explains the engineering education pathways and explores effective strategies for students to reach their full academic potential. Presents an introduction to the methods and tools of engineering problem solving and design including the interface of the engineer with society and engineering ethics. Develops communication 技能 pertinent to the engineering profession.


*学生 may have taken this course while in high school. If you believe you have taken this course, please contact the FYE Office at (805) 289-6438 or vcfye@vcccd.edu.